Gender images were and are of paramount importance for the mobilization of patriotism and readiness to war. For the first time, this book systematically examines the previously largely neglected relationship between nation, military, war and gender using Prussia as an example at the time of the Antinapoleonic Wars between 1806 and 1815. The focus is on the analysis of three developments previously considered separately: first, the collective construction of a national identity and the first mobilization of broad sections of the population for patriotic national goals, second, the introduction of general conscription and the associated change in warfare, and third, the formulation of an anthropological one justified universal valid gender order and the related images of feminitiy and masculinity.
- Nation, Militär und Geschlecht zur Zeit der Antinapoleonischen Kriege Preußens: Eine Einführung
- Preußen als wehrhafte Nation: Militärpolitik und Kriegsmobilisierung
- Publicität und Propaganda: Meinungsmobilisierung
- Die Meinungsmacher: Sozialprofil und Selbstverständnis
- Publizistische Diskurse: Entwürfe von Nation, Krieg und Geschlecht
- Kollektive Praktiken: Mobilmachung für Krieg und Nation
- Die Macht der Bilder: Resümee